
Launch Program

Next Launch Program Begins Aug 6

Jumpstart Your Brand In 4-Weeks For
Only $997

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When you register for our launch program, you will receive access to the following items:

  1. Complimentary Brand Audit ($247 value): Receive expert guidance tailored to your brand’s unique needs, helping you to stand out in the market.
  2. Bild’s Brand Builder Course ($247 value): Gain access to an immersive and transformative branding course designed to refine your brand’s identity and strategy.
  3. 4-Weeks Of Bild + Membership ($297 value): Our weekly branding calls are highly effective, fostering collaborative brainstorming and strategic planning that consistently enhance and unify our brand’s message and presence.
  4. 4-Weeks Of 1 On 1 Coaching With 24/7 Video Access ($2,500 value): Get 24/7 video access to a Bild Brand coach to help you navigate your branding goals.


Clarify Your Vision.

Drive Your Brands Success.

What's The Process?


Once you have registered for the Launch Program, you will start with an onboarding call. The process will begin following the call.

Register For Launch Program

Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to schedule your onboarding call.

Schedule Onboarding Call

During this call, we will cover the specific details of the program & issue your brand audit (if you have not already received it).

Register For Launch Program App

During the onboarding call, you will receive all the login information to access the Launch Program content including the weekly calls, brand builder course, and previously recorded content.

Begin The Coaching!

Once registered, your coach will begin the video coaching. You have access to your coach 24/7 our video chat platform to ask questions and get feedback.

**see FAQ's for official refund policy**

About The coaching

When you register for the Launch Program, you will be assigned a Branding Coach that will issue:

Having a coach is incredibly powerful for achieving results. Coaching offers a space for guidance, feedback, and, most importantly, accountability.

**see FAQ's for official refund policy**

About The Brand Builder Course

Our Brand Builder Course is an intensive program designed to refine your brand’s identity, strategy, and market presence through expert guidance and hands-on workshops. It provides actionable insights and practical tools to elevate your brand and achieve lasting success.

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About The Brand Audit

Our brand consultations consist of not only coaching you with the most effective branding strategies, but we audit your current marketing to ensure it aligns with your brand.


If you don’t receive your investment back or aren’t satisfied, we will fully refund your initial investment. The refund amount will be the difference between your original investment and what you have earned during the Launch Program. To be eligible for this guarantee, you must:

-Attend all live calls or watch the recordings.
-Complete the Brand Builder Course and all assignments within the 4-weks
-Complete every weekly check-in on time.
-Follow your coach’s guidance and complete all required tasks from your coach (as indicated in the weekly check-ins).
-Communicate regularly with your coach via video chat.
-Participate in the group video chat.

By participating in the Bild Brands Launch Program, you agree to these terms and conditions.

Yes! In addition to our weekly calls where we will host live Q&A, you also will be given the opportunity to utilize the group video chat to ask any questions you want. That is the benefit of the group video chat!

You will be placed on the Bild Plus membership with a monthly payment of $297/month. You can cancel this at any time via your membership platform. 

We use Marco Polo for our group chat. Once registered, each participant will be given a unique Marco Polo invite link where we will utilize our group chat functionality. Here, users have the option to ask questions any day via the video chat.

You can go at your own pace, but most people finish it with about 2-3 weeks.

There are 3 Phases to the Brand Builder Course. Each Phase as about 10 steps.

Each step has a ten minute video followed by an assignment. Each assignment varies in length from 10-20 minutes. In total, you can expect approx. 20-40 minutes per step.

All the weekly calls can be watched on the Bild Circle App. Details on how to access the call will be sent upon registering.

Yes, we will record the weekly calls and place them in your user feed for you to review at any time.